Monday, March 3, 2008

One sock, two socks. Red sock, blue sock!

Monday is laundry day and "put the house back together after the weekend hurricane" day at the Hesterhome. I told Hopie not to make her bed this morning because I needed to change the sheets on her bed. She was thrilled! Not have to make her bed? A great way to start her week!!

I have always wondered where all the missing socks go in the world. Unjustly, I have accused our washing machine time and time again of eating our socks. Our washing machine just sits there silently and takes it....never defending herself. Well, I now know where all the missing socks have gone in our house....maybe even in your house as well. The culprit has been found!! It is at the bottom of Hopie's bed!!!!! I was so taken back by what I saw when I lifted up her sheet, I had to take a picture. I was speechless. I think you can see why.

Now, humbly, I must go before our 15 year old washing machine....who has been so good to us and apologize. I am pretty confident she has never swallowed one of our socks, like I have so frequently charged her with. Thankfully, she is not one to hold grudges.

If today, by chance you are folding laundry and find that you are missing a sock or two, feel free to shoot me an email. I think I may know where it is.

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