Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Whew! That was a close one!

God is good! Have I said that lately?? I am so grateful for His insight....His timing. Case in point: Last night, Faith was having her first sleep over in her Daddy's newly finished basement. (This brings great joy to Gregg's heart, as this is the very reason he consistently labored in it for over 1 1/2 years.) With the new DVR, we are able to program the Hallmark Channel's Little House on the Prairie episodes that run twice a day. My girls are SO into Little House right now. It has been fun to revisit my childhood love for that show with them.

In trying to give Faith "her space," we told her that she could watch anything with her friend last night that was programmed, or that we already have on DVD. That seemed perfectly safe and harmless. As I was headed for bed, I thought I should just check on them one more time, to see if they needed anything. WAS I EVER GRATEFUL I DID!! It seems that yesterday's Little House on the Hallmark Channel was the 2 part episode all of us remember from watching it back in the 80's. Ask any avid watcher of the show back then, and they will surely be able to identify it in a heartbeat. To keep my blog free of words I absolutely hate, I will just say it had to do with Albert and a character named Sylvia. Enough said. It was the most scary, most disturbing one they ever did....even topping the show's finale with Walnut Grove exploding. I have never forgotten it.

So....I quickly explained to Faith why I wouldn't allow her to watch it. I didn't do a very good job because I hadn't planned on talking about this subject with her yet. It was totally off the cuff. Unfortunately, I will have to revisit it today, after her friend is gone. I am just not comfortable with how I left it.

Gregg, not at all a Little House watcher from the 80's, was quite taken back when I went upstairs to tell him what had just happened. He asked me "Why on earth would they have put something like that on a family show back then?" Maybe it was getting towards the end of the show and they were hungry for story lines. Honestly, I don't know. But I guess I should be grateful for the opportunity to talk with Faith about it in our home, instead of her learning about something so awful possibly at school.

**Side note: Attention girlfriends who remember the referred episode.....I could have used you last night!! I felt like I was having a hard time convincing her that this show wasn't something that she should be seeing. I even brought up a few of you by name as witnesses to that which I was trying to prove. Seemed to help some. I think she was having a hard time imagining something on the show being that scary for her to watch. She thought I might be exaggerating. Me? Naw....

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