Sunday, March 30, 2008

The Light

"The Light was blinding. It penetrated deep into the dark recesses of our hearts, initially causing us to squint in pain, but then, as we relaxed and adjusted to the Light, it flooded us, delighted and changed us."- Nancy Ortberg, "Looking for God"

I read this quote over and over again this morning, as I reflected back on my own "Light bulb" moments with God, beginning some 17 years ago. And I have to use the word "moments" instead of "moment," because there are just too many light bulbs to count. Some dimmer switch types, some energy efficient, a few incandescent, and a scattering of "life changing" strobe lights have graciously emitted my path to God. The illumination has truly "flooded me, delighted me, and forever changed me." It has been worth everything to have been "blinded by the Light."

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