Wednesday, August 13, 2008

This one leaves me "Torn to Shreds"

You obviously know by now that when I find a book I am excited about, I must share it with you. Although I so enjoyed the "Kanner Lake" series this summer, I thought I would take a little break from Brandilyn Collins and dive into something different for the remainder of my school-free days. (Oh, why do they have to end???!!!)

I try to keep current on new Christian fiction that comes down the pike. Some avid readers avoid this genre, because they find it too predictable, too sappy, or just plain boring. I haven't found this to be the case....and I consider myself a pretty picky reader. I avoid authors like Janette Oke, Beverly Lewis, even most Karen Kingsbury because I need something much "edgier" than that. (Sorry!) So, I was eager to crack the cover of Jerry Jenkins' new book "Riven." You may remember his name from a "little known" series back in the day entitled "Left Behind." Well, on his own, without Tim LaHaye, Jerry stands strong as an independent author, and one that leaves you with a lot to think about as you are reading one of his books.

"Riven" (meaning "torn to shreds") is a thick book, but well worth the time necessary to put into it. Two stories are going on at one time, and somewhat predictably, (I cut him some slack here) he joins the two stories together towards the end of the book. Story 1 is about Brady Darby (notice his first name and last name use the same letters) who grows up disadvantaged in a trailer park. His life is hard, and because of that, he seems to always choose the wrong path for himself. As a reader, you want desperately to cheer him on to do the right thing (verbally, I found myself saying "Don't do it!!")...take the higher road, but unfortunately, he just doesn't have the strength to do so. He has so few people in his life encouraging him. Jerry Jenkins grabs you by making you love Brady...even having sympathy for his ultimate demise, though you can't believe the final trouble he lands himself in and cannot get out of.

The other simultaneous story is of a unsuccessful pastor named Thomas who has been burned for years by the churches he has tried futilely to shepherd. As a last ditch effort to stay in the ministry, he finds himself at a maximum security prison, where he has just been hired on as the prison chaplain. I don't want to say too much about this, for fear of giving some of the book away. But as with the "Kanner Lake" series, I find myself wanting to steal away to the bedroom, just to sneak in a few more chapters of the book, before I need to get back to my "real job" of taking care of my family.

So...give this one a try. I am always excited to hear from you when you are reading something that I loved as well. Thanks for valuing my recommendations. It is fun to share these books with you. Let me know if you pick it up! Happy Reading.....

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