Sunday, August 3, 2008

Happy 17th Anniversary, Sweetheart!!!

I didn't make it to the Hallmark store to get you a I thought I might take this approach and hope it will suffice. I know cards just end up in the bottom of your dresser anyway (not that that is bad... at least it is not the trash can.) Knowing the easy going temperament that our Father gave you, I don't think you will be too angry with me over a $3 card (boy, those things have gotten expensive). I would much rather adore you with my own words than that of someone else. I hope this means more to you, too.

I loved your idea of incorporating our girls into our Anniversary Celebration Date last night. I agree it seems like we have been away from them too much lately, and it was a unique way of allowing them to participate in the joy of our marriage with us. (But let's not make this a new tradition, OK, Sweetheart? I do treasure my time alone with you.) I was delightfully intrigued by the questions they asked us over dinner about our engagement and our wedding day (Did anything strange happen on your wedding day? Did you pick out Momma's ring by yourself or together? Where did you first live after you were married?) Answering those questions for them took me to a place in my memory where I don't often go anymore....mostly because my brain is filled with to-do lists and calendar obligations. But how sweet it was to look over at you, sitting side by side with me in that booth at O'Charley's and listening to you share those mutual memories with our daughters.

One thing occurred to me as we shared those precious early days with our daughters last night. We have come a long way, Sweetheart. And it has been nothing of our own doing. It has been completely our God. I am truly in awe of what He has done, and what He continues to do with two incredibly sinful human beings. He is placed crucially at the center of our marriage, because without Him, there would be no Hestercouple. He has given so abundantly to us, in ways we can see, and in many ways we can't. He is worthy of so much praise, simply because of who He is, and what He has done.

Yesterday, I asked you if it felt like 17 years. You replied, "Not at all." I would have to agree. I think there are many reasons why it doesn't feel like 17 years. It took us so long to get our God-bearings as a couple. We moved around so always seemed like we were starting over with each place we attempted to "settled down" in. And ever since the girls came into our lives, it's as if the days pass by at record pace. We couldn't reign them in even if we tried.

But I got to thinking this morning, how wonderful of God to give us the gift of marriage....someone to make history with....someone to create babies with...someone to laugh with...someone to cry with...someone to parent with...someone to talk deeply with...someone to pray with...someone to laugh with...someone to celebrate with...someone to live life with until you see your Savior face to face. Marriage is so uniquely God, and today, I am so incredibly honored to be married to you, Gregg Hesterman. You still "float my boat," during both rocky seas and tranquil waters, after all these years. I love you, Honey.

**If you are wondering how old we were when we got married, the correct answer is 22. Although, many speculate 12, after looking at this picture.

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