Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Would you like "Grouchy" or non?

Are you familiar with the stereotype of a "woman over 40?" For years, I have used this term to describe any woman who was grouchy, short in response, smileless, crabby, never satisfied, an all around general complainer... and someone who just happened to be over the age of 40. My first experience with this age phenomonon was during my stint as a waitress in college. (I think everyone should wait tables once in their life. Incredible learning experience!) Every time I would "get a new table," I would scan the environment before I approached the table. If it was a table with women in their 30s, I was still in the clear. They would generally be friendly....engage in conversation with me...even polite. But if the table happened to be full of women over 40(cue JAWS theme please), I would gulp and do my best to win them over. They were just so hard to please and downright demeaning at times. 40 seemed sooooo far away then. I never considered how my own stereotype might come to haunt me.

This really isn't an age issue with me as much as it is a heart issue. I do not want to become my own stereotype. What poetic injustice that would be??!!! However,recently I find myself with very weak muscles of "verbal restraint" ....and the look and the sound of it, isn't pretty. It is becoming a pattern and it is catchy. It is so contagious, there are times I can get my husband to do it along with me....and he just doesn't even know he's doing it. (Sorry honey, I can be so "Eve-like" sometimes. I hate that about myself.) It must stop. But I have become so flabby...so out of shape...it is going to take some intentionality to tone these babies...because these muscles have withered to nothing. People attempt to fight aging all the time... with workouts, botox, and red convertibles. But how often are we really intentional at fighting the age of our disposition, and all the "yuck" that goes along with it?

So...now hear this. I am so serious about not allowing myself to become a "woman over 40" and am offering you this "money back guarantee." IF you hear me complaining about something or someone, CALL ME ON IT! For crying out loud, save me from myself!!!! Allow God to use YOUR still sane mind and firm "verbal restraint" muscles, and beat me up if you need to. PLEASE....I am begging you...don't let me become whom I served at those restaurant tables so many years ago. Or...if you feel the battle is just too great, I can change my stereotype to a "woman over 50." That will buy me 10 more years. But that will be just 10 more years of becoming even more proficient at my complaining craft. Save me please...girgle, gurgle, gargle...I might be drowning.

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