Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Facile Side of

Oh, how much easier it is to look up the meaning of words on than perusing the pages of Merriam-Webster!! The arduous task of our teachers in conveying the importance of alphabetical order has now gone by the wayside. Now, all you need to do is type how you think a word is spelled on and up pops the probable word with access to its meaning, its synonyms, and how it can be referenced. It is such a valuable tool for a writer, and it dramatically allows for more "real estate" space on your bookshelf. Sadly, because of, Dictionaries and Thesauruses will now join their distant cousin, the Encyclopedia, in the finality of the "Reference Graveyard."

Here are the lastest words I have had to look up on the site. You probably already know what they mean....but I wasn't totally sure.... although the last one brought laughter and a quick look at my ankles...just to make sure I was still OK. :)

1) Incendiary- used in reference to Chris Matthews and Keith Obermann. Of course!!! Now I know why!!!

2) Shrew- used in a title of a book I was thinking of reserving for Hopie at the library. Now I know why the author placed a "mouse-like" creature on the front cover.

3) Cankles- used in an SNL skit regarding Hillary Clinton. I had never heard of this word before. I'm going to ask my "hip" and much younger sister if she knows this one. If she does, I will admit that approaching 40 has catapulted me to a place of culture ignorance. Maybe that is not so bad.

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