Tuesday, September 30, 2008

He is looking a little "ruddy" to me

Gregg and I got into a small little "discussion" as we were going to bed last night. Most couples might "discuss" finances, others might "discuss" parenting techniques, some might "discuss" wanting more time with one another. Not fighting, mind you...just "discussing." While tucked neatly under the covers, I read to Gregg out of 1 Samuel, and decided to share something interesting I had learned about David in my newly "cracked" Beth Moore journal. As I got to 1 Samuel 16:12, I looked over at Gregg to make sure he was still with me. "So Jesse sent and brought David in. Now he was ruddy, with beautiful eyes and a handsome appearance. And the LORD said, "Arise, anoint him; for this is he."

Gregg: "I think you mean "ruddy." (Like RUDE-Y)

Amy: "No, it's pronounced "ruddy." (Like Ruh-dy)

Gregg: "No, it's RUDE-Y. I have heard it that way."

Amy: "No, I remember it as a vocabulary word in High School. It's Ruh-dy."

Gregg: "No, it's not."

Amy: "Yes, it is."

Gregg: "No, it's not."

Amy: "That's it! I am looking on dictionary.com tomorrow. I know I'm right."

Gregg: "Well, you're not...but that's ok."

That seemed to end our discussion on David for the night. Not sure why. :) But after looking up the pronunciation of "ruddy" today, I think Gregg is looking a little like that to me....and handsome too.

The Language of Gift-Giving

I think about God while I am shopping. It may seem strange, but up and down the aisles, I dwell upon Him. Whether at my top favorites TJMAXX and Target...even while shopping at Meijer sometimes, I just think about Him. What brings Him to my mind, you ask? Well, every time I linger in the land of retail, I see something for my girls that I just know they will love. With every aisle I scan, I see one item after another that I am just certain will bring joy to their hearts. I long to let them know how much I love and think of them through giving them gifts. And this always brings me back to God and more specifically Matthew 7:11. I am reminded of His never-ending love when I reflect upon these words, "If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give what is good to those who ask Him!"

I obviously don't buy everything I take into view for the girls while shopping. The budget just wouldn't handle it, and honestly we all know that would be unhealthy for them. But today, I had a defeating moment as a parent in the "good gifts" department. I decided to clean out one of my daughter's rooms (I'm leaving the name out on condition of anonymity...but you've got a 50% chance of figuring it out :)) because it was unbelievably messy. It took me literally over 4 hours and 6 full garbage bags, to clean it. As I put item after item into the trash, my heart recognized that these "good gifts" were no longer worth anything to her....stuffed under her bed, thrown on the floor of her closet. In frustration and anger, I muttered to myself that this would be the end of her "good gifts" from me. No more picking up this little thing or that little thing for her. By doing this, I am only adding to her disregard for her possessions. With all the determination I could muster as I stumbled for a safe place to stand on her littered floor, I admonished myself for contributing to the mess. "I am absolutely through with "good gifts," I seethed.

Then, confirming I needed a good dose of Truth in my mind, my thoughts drifted once more to God and Matthew 7:11. I reflected on the way I have treated His "good gifts" at times...my lack of appreciation, my absence of acknowledgement, my "love it one minute, leave it the next" approach. I am no different than my daughter. So, I might not stuff His "good gifts" under the bed or leave them in disarray on the floor of my closet. But I have treated them with the same inattention...the same indifference. I have become "spoiled" if you will, yet I know my Father can't help but give them to me. He just loves me so. (Side Note: Sometimes His "good gifts" come in the form of discipline and correction. He is great to "spoil" me that way! Helps me to become more like Him, the GREATEST OF ALL GIFTS.)

Today, I gave my daughter one more "good gift" that I think will be more valuable to her than any of the others that formerly cluttered her room. I gave her the "good gift" of boundaries, which included the "box" of respect...complete with a "bow" of appreciation. You see, I had to give it to her. I couldn't leave her with the mistake of treating her "good gifts" like they held no value. If I did that, she might have trouble realizing how priceless "good gifts" are from her Father. Those are the very best kind, and their endurance rate is 100%.

**My "gift" giving days are not over. I will just be more careful in the future. I love them both...and I just can't help showering them sometimes.

Monday, September 29, 2008

A new addition to the Hesterfamily

After MUCH persuading and convincing, the HesterMAN gave his blessing last week upon adding a new addition to our family. The Hestergirls became very familiar with Craigslist as we searched and searched to find the "purrfect" kitty. We had very little "luck" as we were particular in what we wanted. The kitten had to be female, under 10 weeks of age, and had to be shorthaired. Not much out there on Craigslist with those stipulations. But then we came upon a rescue website that had what we were looking for. And now, I proudly introduce to you, Miss Sophia "Sophie" Rose Hestercat:

Side note- Sister Chloe Grace is handling it the best she can. Hoping that they learn to love each other soon. :)

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Daily Samplings of David

I am so excited!!!! Monday morning, I am starting my new "David" 90 Day Journal/Journey with Beth Moore. I have been anticipating this ever since I purchased the book, but I needed to wait until I finished "Whispers of Hope." If you have never encountered Beth Moore before, you are so in for a treat. She is a primo Bible teacher who is abundantly used by God to make the Bible come alive for her "students." If you would like to join me starting Monday, pick up a copy of "David" at any Lifeway Bookstore. I would be honored if you joined me. I must tell you, I will be taking this at my own pace. Sometimes I have time for it, and sometimes I don't. Just being honest. But I thought it would be fun to at least have a few who "knew" what I was talking about when I HAD to blog about something I was learning about through the journal. Are you game??? Come on!! You know you want to!!! Dig deep! You will love it!

Side Note: An "old" friend of mine from the great state of Oklahoma is joining me on this one too. Hi Amy!! Good to have you aboard. :)

More "diction" with Dictionary.com

Today I was reading an article linked to the Drudge Report entitled "Why Obama will lose" by the Edmond Sun. (Very cool, because the Hestergirls were both ummm, well, shall we say "put together" in Edmond, Oklahoma. Special place with very special people.) Anyway, very quickly, I came upon the word "polymath" in the article. This word was not referring to Obama, but Benjamin Franklin of all people. Now, here are two people you wouldn't normally find connected in the same paragraph. Anyway, truthfully, I am just wondering how many of you really knew the definition of this word.... or was I really just sleeping soundly through my minor in English during the college years?

Polymath- (pŏl'ē-māth')
n. A person of great or varied learning.

"Everybody's smilin', Sunshine Day!!"

Sometimes you just have a day like Greg and the other Brady kids sang about....as corny as it sounds. I really treasure those days, especially because they are rare gems in my calendar of life. The great things about a "Sunshine Day" (besides the fact that there truly has to be sun to make it authentic), are its unexpected components. It's as if God just keeps layering one wonderful surprise after another. The surprises are simple, but they still bring joy to the heart. Here is a little synopsis of my "Sunshine Day:"

I had the pleasure of going with a friend to the OHIO Thrift Store's 50% off sale. Now, I know what you are thinking... "THRIFT STORE??? Gross, disgusting, undignified!!" But we had so much fun together!!!! I realize you can't get every friend interested in going to a thrift store with you. Not everybody enjoys the "thrill of the hunt" and the proverbial "high" that comes from getting "something for nothing." But when you do find someone who professes a PhD in the Strategies of a Thrifty Shopper, you can't help but scream "Hallelujah! Dollar Store, anybody??!!" Frugally speaking, we hit "pay dirt" yesterday, and our washing machines are paying the heavy price afterwards. THRILLING!!! Can somebody say, "Amen???"

Other components of my "Sunshine Day" consisted of going to a new restaurant with this same thrifty friend, having great conversation and lunch, while sipping a cool Pepsi underneath a sun umbrella. Absolutely delightful!! Even more splendid is having her precious 5 yr. old daughter coloring pictures on her placemat and enjoying part of my "Sunshine Day" with me. The icing on the cake was when she invited me over to see her fish tank and her sparkling butterflies in her room. How could I deny such a heartfelt invitation??? She put wonderful colors into my "Sunshine Day."

As my Sunshine Day was coming to a close, I spent a moment thanking my Savior for wrapping up a special unexpected present for me. Fathers do that sometimes, don't they? They are just so overflowing with love for their children that they can't help but give "good gifts" to them. I can always feel the "sparkling butterflies" in my stomach when I know I am about to receive one.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Midwest Misnomer

One of my favorite ways of getting the news I want, when I want it, is using USATODAY.com... second only to my frequent scanning of the Drudge Report. Yesterday, as I was perusing the site, I inadvertently clicked on the LIFE section's POP Candy icon (mouse is very sensitive on the laptop), and was curious when I saw them highlighting what celebrities would look like if they were from the Midwest. "Hmmmmm, this ought to be interesting," I thought to myself. But after a second or two, it hit me... "WHAT'S WRONG WITH BEING FROM THE MIDWEST???" Apparently, a lot. See if this quote doesn't get your Midwest dander up:

"Since going to Orange County California every month for the past year, I have begun to realize that people in the Midwest are really their own breed. Of course there are the exceptions, but for the most part 90% of Midwesterners, especially women all look the same." -Jeremy Enke

Ummm, hello??? Where does this guy get his information from?? Has he been here lately? Has he ever been here? "Our own breed??" Come on!!! I find it interesting that the picture he chose of himself on his blog could easily say "I'm a pastor of a typical Midwestern church" (whatever that is) ...since he likes living through labels and stereotypes.

I admit that some of his pictures are funny. But honestly, I don't know a single person who looks this way....and what's wrong if I did. Maybe I am taking unnecessary offense to this. After all, states like Arkansas, Tennessee, West Virginia, Mississippi, even Texas, have been taking a ribbing for years (i.e. jokes about inner-familial marriages, women with big hair, incorrect use of the English language, etc.) Maybe it just "hurts" more, because it appears to be our turn.

I would link the site to you...but there are a few profanities on the blog. Don't want to promote that. So instead, I will show you a few of the photoshopped pics. Can you guess who they are???:

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Catchy....isn't it???

Wonder what I would have to do to get our church to sing this tomorrow during Worship??? I'm thinking it has the potential of "bringing the house down." By the way, do you think the lead singer might be "vintage" Eric Estrada before his CHiPs days??? Do you see it, or is it just me??? Also, I am sensing a little bit of DEVO with this catchy little number.....

Friday, September 19, 2008

Bibles, Bombs, and Homeland Insecurity

I get SO EXCITED when a favorite author of mine comes out with a new book.....and to my surprise I just learned that Rob Bell has a new one headed for a bookshelf near you. I really like Rob Bell because he is edgy and "scandalous" in his approach to teaching others to truly follow Christ. He throws the boundaries of man-made religion away and challenges people with a simplified, yet incredibly intriguing look at Jesus. Plus, I enjoy envisioning how uncomfortable the Christian Publishing Companies must get when he chooses the titles for his books (i.e. Velvet Elvis and Sex God). I can just imagine the "suits" sweating.

Bell's new book, Jesus Wants to Save Christians: A Manifesto for the Church in Exile apparently comes out around October 1st. Here is a preview of the book from the back cover:

“It's a book about faith and fear,

wealth and war,

poverty, power, safety, terror,

Bibles, bombs, and homeland insecurity,

It's about empty empires and the truth that everybody's a priest, it's about oppression, occupation, and what happens when Christians support, animate and participate in the very things Jesus came to set people free from.

It's about what it means to be a part of the church of Jesus in a world where some people fly planes into buildings while others pick up groceries in Hummers.”

WHEW!!! This sounds like one not everybody is going to like reading and digesting....but then again, that's how Rob is. He says something that offends and challenges his fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, and walks away unscathed. How come I never think of this stuff first???? Maybe all I need are the glasses.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Will you follow me?

OK...so this question doesn't carry the kind of magnitude and sacrifice that Jesus was implying when He said to "take up your cross daily and follow Me." But Blogspot is offering this new "gadget" where you can now easily "follow" my blog and become a "fan." The feature lets readers publicly subscribe to my blog and adds a Reading List to my Blogger Dashboard so readers can stay updated with the blogs they follow. Here's a question I am sure you all are asking:

How do I become a Follower of your awesome blog?
One of the easiest ways is click on the "Follow this Blog" link under the "Followers" widget on the right hand side of the page,. Most of you are more technically savy then me, so you shouldn't have a problem with this. If you do, let me know. I will get my "tech support" hot on it! That is my "no money back guarantee."

Special thanks to my 3 followers!!! I didn't even ask, and you just showed up one day!! Thanks for your support!!! YOU SO ROCK!!!!

The Facile Side of Dictionary.com

Oh, how much easier it is to look up the meaning of words on Dictionary.com than perusing the pages of Merriam-Webster!! The arduous task of our teachers in conveying the importance of alphabetical order has now gone by the wayside. Now, all you need to do is type how you think a word is spelled on dictionary.com and up pops the probable word with access to its meaning, its synonyms, and how it can be referenced. It is such a valuable tool for a writer, and it dramatically allows for more "real estate" space on your bookshelf. Sadly, because of dictionary.com, Dictionaries and Thesauruses will now join their distant cousin, the Encyclopedia, in the finality of the "Reference Graveyard."

Here are the lastest words I have had to look up on the site. You probably already know what they mean....but I wasn't totally sure.... although the last one brought laughter and a quick look at my ankles...just to make sure I was still OK. :)

1) Incendiary- used in reference to Chris Matthews and Keith Obermann. Of course!!! Now I know why!!!

2) Shrew- used in a title of a book I was thinking of reserving for Hopie at the library. Now I know why the author placed a "mouse-like" creature on the front cover.

3) Cankles- used in an SNL skit regarding Hillary Clinton. I had never heard of this word before. I'm going to ask my "hip" and much younger sister if she knows this one. If she does, I will admit that approaching 40 has catapulted me to a place of culture ignorance. Maybe that is not so bad.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Can't get over this one!!!

Monday, September 15, 2008

IKE whispered here......

Ike whispered very forcefully on Columbus, Ohio, last Sunday afternoon, and my girls have just returned to school for the first time today. Many of us have been without power for days....some may not even see it until late this weekend. Makes you appreciate the things you take for granted, like warm showers and a lamp to read by. The State of Ohio received extensive damage from Ike, seconded only to Texas. Life-long residents of the area have never seen anything like it. Four people died in Columbus as a result of Ike. And personally, I had no idea it was coming.

Although Ike will probably last in infamy here in Ohio, I can't imagine how it has impacted the lives of the people in Texas. So, Ohioians have been without electricity...so we have lost some trees in our yards. We received just a small sampling of the devastation that hit Texas last Friday. I think of my mom and my step-dad (affectionately known as G'pa Dan) who have been in San Antonio since last Thursday helping with the Red Cross. I think of the thousands of people there who desperately NEED....and those like the Red Cross who have the energy and means necessary to supply whatever they can. Maybe it is just a hug, or a warm meal, or a place to lay their heads.

I get tired of my nature of taking things for granted. Just when I think I have the attribute of thankfulness and gratitude "nailed," I am reminded how often I take things for granted....like my family, like my house, like my church, like my friends, like my God. Oh Father, please help me to remove myself from me. I can get so tired of me.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Dish on "Dogwood"

I never intended for my blog to include book reviews...but because reading is such an important piece of who I am, I hope you don't mind if I share yet another opinion on a book I have just finished. A friend of mine, who just happens to be a librarian (Ohhh...how I wish I could be one!), recommended "Dogwood," the first novel by author Chris Fabry. I am familiar with Chris because my girls have adored the "Red Rock" series he co-wrote them with Jerry Jenkins. I have never authored a book myself, thus I have a "Who are you to say?" complex when it comes to saying anything negative about a book. But here goes.....

"Dogwood" has a very interesting "skeleton" when it comes to story "bones," but its character development is extremely confusing at first. I had finished at least 1/3 of the book before I could figure out "who" was "who." I would have preferred more insight to the characters personalities....I didn't feel like I really knew them very well. But the book had enough going for it, that I wanted to finish it. The ending was unexpected, which I always enjoy. However, "Dogwood" would not receive my ever famous "money back guarantee." It was too hard to follow.

Side note: Most people go to Amazon.com before they read a book, to make sure it is recommended by its readers. I wait until after I finish a book. I am too easily influenced by people's opinions, and I know I won't give the book a chance if I read anything negative about it. (Strange, I know.) Incidentally, "Dogwood" received very favorable reviews by its commentators. Only one felt the same way I did. So...what do I know???

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Just calling it like she sees it.......

A friend of mine said, in reference to my once frequent blog postings, that I had too much time on my hands. Well, with how long it has taken me to post again, it can be "accurately" stated that I haven't had much time on my hands lately. Just a few days ago, my youngest asked me if I had written on my blog recently. I thought that was a curious question to ask from a ten year old. I told her the same answer I shared with you, "No...I haven't had much time to do that lately." "You've had enough time to be on Facebook," she replied. Hmmmmm....don't you love being called out by your offspring??? Don't you love it even more when they are right??

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

And then there's James.....

I wake up to the beauty of a new day. I hear the sounds of "good morning" coming from the birds...joining in unison are the crickets. I roll over and tell my husband I don't want him to go to work today. I never want him to go to work. I try to convince him that he needs just a few more minutes of "shut-eye," but I see the flight suit coming out of the closet and I know my pleas are futile. After he stumbles out of the room to get ready for the day, I lay in defeat. I reach for my Bible and my Whispers of Hope devotional. Only 7 more days to go, and I am sad that I will be all through with it. "I wonder what God has for me to ponder today," I think to myself. At this time in my life, I am extremely hungry for the Word. In continued awareness of my limited humanness, I ache for God's wisdom. And with every morsel of His Word I taste, I am reminded of just how MIGHTY He is...and how much I desperately need Him in my life.

With anticipation, I turn to Day 63 of my journal, and to my "horror" I see that the morning will be spent with James. "Oh why does it have to be James today, God?? Can't it be David or Job?" I like those guys so much. (I think our Myers-Brigg's letters are the same.) They feel in the same ways that I feel. They cry out to God in the same emotions that I do. (Except the tearing clothes part...I can't do that...I might need that outfit for something important later. Plus, I have shoes that match just perfectly.) They have extreme highs and lows with God. I "dig" their realness. James tends to be so "in your face." And in spending the morning with him, I know I will probably end up muttering that infamous statement of the Christ-follower, "I needed to hear this today."

So with internal whining and complaining, I turn to James. My attitude is poor. I speculate I will have to read something about that today, too. As I scan down the page of scripture, I skim over the heading of Chapter 3..."Taming the Tongue"...and I soooo hope we are not talking about that today. Somewhat relieved, I see that James is going to be talking about "Two Kinds of Wisdom" just a little further down the page, and I know I am all about "wisdom" right now. WHEW!!! That was a close one! I gratefully "dig" in...anxious to rediscover what wisdom truly is.

I love the way the NIV puts it. Listen to this:

"Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in humility that comes from wisdom. But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth. Such "wisdom" does not come down from heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, of the devil. For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice. But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy, and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness."

Some people are anti-The Message. I like to read it when I want further understanding of what I read:

13 -16Do you want to be counted wise, to build a reputation for wisdom? Here's what you do: Live well, live wisely, live humbly. It's the way you live, not the way you talk, that counts. Mean-spirited ambition isn't wisdom. Boasting that you are wise isn't wisdom. Twisting the truth to make yourselves sound wise isn't wisdom. It's the furthest thing from wisdom—it's animal cunning, devilish conniving. Whenever you're trying to look better than others or get the better of others, things fall apart and everyone ends up at the others' throats.

17 -18Real wisdom, God's wisdom, begins with a holy life and is characterized by getting along with others. It is gentle and reasonable, overflowing with mercy and blessings, not hot one day and cold the next, not two-faced. You can develop a healthy, robust community that lives right with God and enjoy its results only if you do the hard work of getting along with each other, treating each other with dignity and honor.

Oh...this is sooooo good for me to hear. WOW!!! This wisdom criteria laid out by James is really difficult to achieve. I go through the list of characteristics of true wisdom and I realize just how much wisdom must be of God and not of man. Because which of us can say with all certainty that the wisdom we try to share with others is always pure...always peace-loving...always considerate? These characteristics sound a lot like the way Paul ( I like him most of the time, too) describes love in 1 Corinthians 13. Am I "wise" in saying I have a lot of room to grow in the "wisdom" department? Now that is something I can say with all certainty!!!

So, maybe I have been a little hard on James this morning. He is just so "tell it like it is" and he doesn't coddle me with his words. He doesn't pamper me with sensitive tone. Sometimes I need that. Glad God used him for that. Very wise of Him, don't you think?