Sunday, November 23, 2008

"Things" that are "overdue"

No one likes the word "overdue"....overdue bills, overdue books, overdue pregnancies, overdue notices, overdue recognition, overdue parking tickets, etc. But yesterday, while playing the game "Things" with some friends, I realized that I must have been long overdue in the laugh department, because I was laughing myself silly. It was so obvious. You know what I am talking about. It is that deeply buried, almost embarrassing laugh that comes from the recesses of your stomach and simply cannot be contained. It's the kind of laugh where you could fall out of your seat, roll around on the floor holding your aching side in a fit of hysteria, and still have it in you for more. Thankfully, I was with friends. They pardon this kind of behavior out of you...among other things. I don't need to throw in a disclaimer of why I so needed to laugh like this. They don't need a long explanation of why I was obviously "overdue" in the laugh department. They just accept it for what it is....carelessly unabashed fits of cackling...and they still love me afterwards.

Are you "overdue" in the laughter department??? Do you need to snort (someone did yesterday, and it wasn't me!!) , howl, or shriek with utter abandonment???? Then, I would suggest running to Target (who needs an excuse for that?), grab the game Things, and invite some friends over. Give them the gift of mirth and merriment. They probably need it too.

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