Monday, June 30, 2008

Moving up in Royalty?

She served us well for 17 years, but now I feel her crown must be removed. I am talking about my queen-size bed, that is. She is becoming way too small. I haven't had a solid night sleep in weeks (except when we were with "The King" at Disney World), because I am waking up several times a night to the prospect of nearly falling off the bed due to having NO ROOM. I call Gregg on it....but he plays the romantic card and uses the excuse, "I only want to be close to you." (Is that TMI for a blog??? My apologies.) I argue with him and tell him that statement is just an excuse with a capital "E." Cuddle time??? Come on!!! He has NO IDEA in the wee hours of the morning he has taken up the whole bed. He is snoring in "Never-never land" which lends to an intense need to forcefully "elbow" him over to HIS side.

I can't stand it! I long for a solid night's sleep. Why is it that "The Queen" worked out wonderfully for so many years, but it seems her reign is over? Unfortunately, if we allowed "the King" into our bedroom, he would BECOME our bedroom. Out with the dressers, night stand, and the cute little couch. Our room would be totally bed. Maybe Lucy and Ricky had it right with their two separate twin beds. Now those would fit nicely in the bedroom!

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