Monday, June 30, 2008

Me? A Royal Pain?

**Royalty Update- Husband #1 called home to check in. We hadn't had a chance to talk this morning before he went to work as I was desperately trying to gain some more zzzzz's. Here is a snippet of our conversation:

Husband #1- "How are things going this morning?"
Adorable Wife- "Going well, but I am exhausted. You totally hogged the bed last night....again."
Husband #1- "I hogged the bed? You were on my side. I didn't even have a sheet. If we had a video camera, I could prove it."
Very Adorable Wife- (Laughter gushes out of her...much like the kind of laughter she has when she is with her sister)"You have got to be kidding!" I had to wake you up to get you to move over. (More laughter coming up from the pit of her stomach)
Husband #1- (annoyed by this incessant laughter)"I gotta go. Why don't you call your sister and laugh yourself silly?"
Extremely adorable wife- (completely inaudible because of cackling) "Ha-Ha...Shgkgiesgo my side of the sofeosgobfs push YOU off bfgufidbfdelf...Ha-Ha.... bye Sweetheart."
Husband #1- (at a loss for words because he was wrong) Bye!

Imagine me....hogging the bed. It was HIM!! I know I am SO right. Really, I am.

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