Saturday, June 7, 2008

I'm so glad we had this time together

This may be old news to you.....but last week I learned that Harvey Korman passed away. I was saddened by this, as I have always hoped for another Carol Burnett Reunion Special on CBS. I know they have probably exhausted all the unseen footage, bloppers, etc., but I just savor that form of unduplicated humor. I miss it. I can remember sitting around the tv on Saturday nights in the 70s....all three generations of us....laughing in unison in some hilarious land of comedic sketches that Conway, Korman, Lawrence, or Burnett took us to. Is there ANYTHING on television today that you could watch with your grandparents? Only if it is in reruns or on DVD.

So in tribute to Harvey.....I will share my favorite sketch with you....and simply say, "I'm so glad we had this time together."

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