Saturday, February 16, 2008

Keeping The Secret

Today, Hopie and I went on our third SKG date. If you are unfamiliar with SKG (Secret Keeper Girl) and you are a mother of a 8-12 yr. old girl, this is some treasured time with your daughter you won't want to miss. The premise of Secret Keeper Girl is to begin the discussion of purity and modesty with your daughter by going on 8 creative dates surrounding the subject. The SKG "curriculum" comes with a guide, a diary/devotional for your daughter, and a CD with 5 minute segments of helpful information to start and end your date. I did this with Faith when she was in 4th grade and I am so glad that I did it then. I think by 6th grade, you need to move into something a little more serious, which is why I am considering "Passport to Purity" with Faith in the near future.

Making time for these dates is tough, I must admit. It is easy to put it on the back burner, because you designate when it happens. So there is a temptation to cancel it if something else comes in the way. But we had such a delightful time together and had precious conversation with one another. I am savoring this...because I know this season will come to a close. She held my hand as we walked. She asked me questions about my own childhood, what I liked to do when I was her age. She told me about books she is reading right now, I told her about mine. We found a tree that park rangers were collecting sap from and listened to it "tap, tap, tap" into the bucket. I loved every minute of it.

Sometimes in motherhood you have days (even weeks) when you feel like you are losing the battle. Today, God gave me a gift of a much needed "win", and I am grateful.

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