Sunday, February 10, 2008

Growing up Kellogg's-style.....It was Grrrrrr-eat!!!

The Kellogg logo probably had more significance for me as a kid than it did for most. My heritage on my mom's side is all about the cereal industry. Living most their lives in Battle Creek, MI, my Grandpa retired from Ralston Purina Co. and my Grandma, from Kellogg's over 20 years ago. As kids, we benefitted greatly from her job. She brought home all kinds of amazing stuff for us during our growing up years, and it brings back "grrrrr-eat" memories when I think about how much fun we had as a result. Besides allowing us to be some of the first kids in America to test a new cereal coming out for Kellogg's, my sister and I enjoyed many "premiums" (toys sent away on the back of the cereal box) and never had to save one box top or UPC code.

One of our favorite premiums was the "Fruit Loops Tiki Hut." Long before Little Tykes had their plastic play houses, there was our "Fruit Loops Tiki Hut, complete with mock bamboo polls, and cardboard windows to open and close. My grandma had it all set up for us down the basement and we had no idea what was awaiting us as we raced down the stairs to find it. We absolutely loved this thing!! We loved it so much, we destroyed it. We didn't mean to, but it became a well-loved toy, and with any well-loved toy, it begins to show its wear and tear after a while. I've always wondered when my grandma decided it was time for the "tiki hut" to take up new residence in the garbage can. Because one weekend we came for a stay, and it was gone. I imagine my grandpa told her it was time for it to go. "Norris, (he always calls her by her middle name) those kids have destroyed that thing! Somebody's going to get a cardboard cut (as opposed to a paper cut) from those sharp edges. It is an accident waiting to happen. Let's get it out of here before they notice." He was always worried about us hurting ourselves. Now, he worries about his great-grands that way.

Fast forward 30 years and my grandma spoils us in another way through her still present Kellogg ties. Every Wednesday, she goes to the "Kellogg Store" with all the other retirees and purchases Kellogg's food items at a marked discount. When we come to stay, she loads us up with everything from Pop-Tarts to Keebler crackers. (Kellogg's now owns Keebler.) And I am overwhelmed by her generosity. This has been a great help as it gives me something different and unusual to put in the girls' lunches when we return to Ohio. And it saves me a ton of money too. Feels good even at 39 years old (almost), to still be spoiled by my grandma. She's always been grrrr-eat to me!!!!
PS- I looked for a picture of the "tiki hut" on the internet, in hopes that someone would have posted one. I knew it was a long shot. Never found one, and I don't think my grandparents took any pictures of us in it. I am not sure they were even aware how much we enjoyed it. I wish I could show it to you because I remember it as plain as day. Even checked the Kellogg's archives site....but nothing. :(

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