Thursday, October 23, 2008

Nocommentaphobia- the Phobia of Commenting on Blogs

I follow Target Addict ( pretty faithfully. She shares a common obsession, oops..I mean healthy love, for Target like I do. It is neat to see all the things she highlights on her blog with true Red Bulls eye adoration. I learn about certain items I didn't even know Target had, and she always picks out the coolest stuff to talk about. I just totally dig her and her site.

There is another camaraderie we have with one another besides our love for Target. Our blogs are laced with nocommentaphobia...much like sent letters that were laced with Anthrax back in 2001, and we are having trouble removing it. We both rarely have comments on our blog entries. She writes everyday about something Target-related, and can go weeks without a comment. Yet, she continues to write faithfully. I wonder if she ever feels like she is solely writing to Al Gore himself, whom, of course, invented the Internet with his brain tied behind his back. How she keeps on writing without feeling discouraged, I do not know. I might have to ask her some one of my comments undoubtedly.

I, on the other hand, have the misfortune of writing to my "readership" from the heart. I don't have the luxury of writing about trivial (or not so trivial) things like Target, because I am sick. I am sick with a disease of transparency and other junk like that. I couldn't write just about Target if I tried. And believe me, I would love to. Instead, I bare part of my complex soul for everyone to see, in hopes that it might encourage another to know they are not alone in some of the battles they may face. Because of my readership's nocommentaphobia, I must endure the unknown of assuming that someone out there was touched, but just couldn't overcome their fear of commenting about it. And that's OK.

Now, some blog-writers are inundated with comments. I am not sure why one blog generates more comments than another. The topics really don't seem that different from blog to blog. It may be because their readership is simply free of the phobia...they've gone through the effort it takes, the 12 step program and counseling necessary to post away. Good for them!!

This post may even generate some comments of its own. The very subject matter may cause someone to conquer nocommentaphobia and throw caution to the wind. But I can't help but smile, because there is a strong chance that the comment number will stand at zero...maybe for spite...maybe just to prove a point. Either way, know that I love you anyway....and "Jesus is friend of mine." (Remember that little video??? Now THAT generated a few posts.)

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