Thursday, May 22, 2008

She really went crazy for a "Sharp Dressed Man"

So, my favorite for AI won last night, and I must say I was shocked. I thought for sure little Archie would win as Simon, Paula, and Randy gushed over him Tuesday night. And to think David Cook won with 12 million votes over his sweet, adorable challenger!! I must confess.... I tried only once to vote for DC Tuesday night when I was defeated by a busy signal. My friend, Brenda, saved the day, voting 11 million times to make up for my "wishy-washy" allegiance.

And to congratulate Brenda on her efforts, which have now effected the entire country, I would like to dedicate this post to her. This was her favorite part of the show...that is next to the Tom Cruise commemoration for Guitar Hero. Brenda....this one's for you, sister!!!

PS- Why is it that I have aged in 20 years, but these guys haven't. Totally unfair!! Maybe I should forget the Botox, and just go for some facial hair.

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