Friday, May 2, 2008

Just a small "pet-peeve"

My Grandma has a pet peeve. She can't stand when people pronounce "Illinois" with the "s" on the end. Gregg hates it when I scrape my teeth across my fork when I am eating something. My sister can't stand when I eat potato chips. (Hmmm...."Note to self... always eat alone so as not to 'upset' any family members.") Call it curiosity. Call it just plain nosy-ness. But since I have started blogging, I can add just one small pet peeve to my itty-bitty list. Here it is:

After guidance and counsel from my own personal "Geek Squad" (thanks Toby!), I added a counter to the bottom of my blog about 1 month ago. Since doing that, I have just reached my 700th hit today and honestly I have very little idea who looks at my blog. Now some of that 700 is me adding something to the blog, or looking at something. So, I can't honestly say that it has reached 700 all by its little old self. But I can say with the utmost sincerity that I have not looked at my blog 700 different times in one month. I may be obsessive, but not that obsessive.

In the past, before my "counter-intelligence," I asked people to comment on one of my posts who they were. That didn't work out very well for some unknown reason. People are afraid to do that. Really not sure why. So now, with each increase on my counter, I am left with the question of "I wonder who read this?" My pet peeve is that I will never have the answer. My personal "Geek Squad" says that unless I want to work for the CIA, my question is going to stay unanswered. There is no way of knowing who is reading. I just have to remain in the dark.....a small price to pay for blogging, I suppose. Woe is me......*

**Man, one of my other pet peeves is people who feel sorry for themselves for the lamest reasons. Good thing I am not like that. That would so annoy people. :)

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