Friday, August 24, 2007

Received "The Call"

For those of you who have been following our "furniture saga," your sleepless nights are finally over!! :) (Only true friends lose sleep over another friend's issues :) ) After waiting for our furniture since April 11, we now have a confirmed delivery date of next Thursday. We are pumped about it, as it has been 4 moves, 2 babies, 2 cats, and many get-togethers since we have had new furniture for our Living Room. However, the pessimist in me wants to say "I'll believe it when I am sitting on it." We have just been waiting THAT long.

Macy's was upfront with us. They said it would be July (i.e. 10-12 weeks from purchase) before we would see it. So, we have been getting the room ready, like over anxious, expectant parents waiting for the arrival of their first child. I need to finish the window treatments, but other than that, it is ready and waiting.

I talked with our "interior decorator" last week and she did confirm that Macy's would compensate us in the form of a Macy's gift card for the inconvenience of the delay. If we are not satisfied with the amount, we can supposedly negotiate.

My question for you is: How much should we ask? How much is sufficient for the amount of time we have waited? My fear is that we will get the furniture and forget about all the "agony" it took to get it here.

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