Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Yippee! I've found one!

I love to read, but I am a picky reader. (I am also a picky eater...but that is for another post.) My favorite author, Angela Hunt, hasn't come out with anything in a while that I have been really interested in. Her new book, The Face, is due out in August, but obviously that is a while down the road. I also love Francine Rivers, but she sometimes writes in a genre (Historical Bible Fiction....sounds strange, doesn't it?) that I am not really in to. So....based on my "picky-ness," I have really limited myself lately to whom I will read. But, I am here to announce that my literary drought is now over. I have found a new author, and I am sooooo excited.

It has been so long since I have picked up a Christian fiction book that I cannot put down. (Oh, wait a minute... I might be exaggerating. There was that little book called "The Shack" that made quite an impression on me a few months ago.) I have had so much fun with "Scoop" by Rene Gutteridge (a story about a dysfunctional TV News Station). I look forward to moments during the day when I can take a break and read a few pages of it. This is the first book in her "Occupational Hazards" series. She is so funny and I have NEVER read anything like her before. I cannot even tell you what genre she tends to write in, because she might be the "one and only" in her niche. Not only do I love her humor, but she hails from one of my favorite places on earth, Oklahoma City (birthplace of the Hestergirls, you know). I have already reserved "Snitch" from the library, which continues in the "Occupational Hazards" series. I am thrilled to have something new to read!!!

So....does "Scoop" hold up to the Hestermomma Money Back Guarantee when it comes to recommending a book? I think it should, but I don't know. You have to have a certain sense of humor to appreciate it. My humor apparently is a little strange, because my husband always tells me that nobody finds me as funny as I do. :) Give it a try...let me know what you think.

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