Thursday, April 3, 2008

One Woman's Junk

My mom never raised me to go "garbage picking." We never went to garage sales growing up...we just had them. I had never heard of such things as "thrift stores" until I was a married woman. I don't want to sound as if I grew up "privileged" in the area of possessions (privileged in other areas, of course), but we just weren't part of the "second hand" culture back then. But I can't imagine not being a part of it now. Garage Sale Season (don't get this mixed up with Hunting Season) is just around the corner. The rummage blinders are now off, and I can see the salvage light.

Yesterday, on my way to pick up the girls from school, I witnessed my first "along the roadside" find of 2008. It has been a while since I have skidded to the side of the road and grabbed a treasure waiting for an unappreciative garbage man. You never know if the find is really a "true find" until you see it close up. (If you are a fellow garbage picker, you know what I am talking about. )A feeling of defeat wells up in you when you realize "the treasure's" real beauty was only in the eyes of its former beholder. But yesterday, I struck least I think I did. I will have to see what Husband #1 says, because he will give the final say as to whether its a keeper or not. I haven't even mentioned it to him yet, because I had to clean them up....make them presentable for him. I have them strategically placed in the garage for him when he gets home from work.....polished with Pledge and some much required English Oil. I will let you know what he says. I know you will be cheering these treasures on!!!!!

PS- Mii's arm is very sore from playing too much tennis. I can barely blog. :)

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