Friday, January 9, 2009

We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun

Part 1-

One of the many things I value in my life is the gift of having a sister. It hasn't always been this way. When we were younger, we had very little appreciation for one another. I think it is very least I see that being played out in my own house from time to time between my girls. Our relationship has long evolved past the days of her telling on me, and the days of me accidentally hitting her with a baseball bat in the head. We are now at the same place in life...smack dab in the trenches of parenting, being a wife, and pursuing a deeper relationship with God. There is much we are on the same page about.

Since we don't live in the same state, our way of connecting solely depends on the phone. We talk often...and we talk deeply. We talk about subjects that are important to discuss, but can't be discussed with just anyone. We confide in each other. We exchange in meaningless chatter. We challenge one another in our lives. We laugh at things which no one else would find funny. And because I am 6 years older than her....sometimes I still play the role of big sister. Guess it is hard for me to keep it contained.

In one of our weekly discussions, we got on the subject of friendships the other day. My sister is in a season of friendships with women which has been extremely fulfilling and gratifying to her. She is blessed to stay at home with her youngest Isabelle, who is almost 20 months, and many of her girlfriends are in that same stage of parenting. She loves the times when they get their kids together for a play date. She enjoys the availability of her friends, and how they could get together at a moment's notice if they wanted to. She appreciates their accessibility, as they are simply just a phone call away...and she never feels like she is interrupting them from something more important. She is extremely content in her friendships... for maybe the first time in her life. These relationships are comfortable and unpretentious. A complete blessing to her.

As we proceeded through our conversation, I told her how much I valued those days as well, with a hint of sadness in my voice. She paused in her response, and reluctantly asked, "Will my friendships not always look like this?" I hesitated to put a damper upon something that brings her so much joy.....a revelation of reality into her mind. But I felt like it was something that she needed to know....something that I wish I had known. The truth of the matter is this season of availability will not last. By the time these babies get into school, everything changes. The feasibility of getting together diminishes dramatically. The demands of the family change and require more time....which you gladly give. But you surely look back on the closeness of those friendships of the past and feel a pain in your heart for what has inadvertently disappeared. How incredibly valuable they were, and how incredibly valuable they would still be....if we just weren't so busy.

End of Part One....Stay tuned for more on this subject in tomorrow's posting.

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