Monday, December 22, 2008

THIS wasn't on the "to-do" list!

I've been in bed for the last three days. Totally unexpected. I hadn't made room for this on the still ever-growing "Must do before Christmas" list. There was no lee-way, no give nor flexibility, no room for sickness on the to-do list. I had successfully arranged things that must be done down to the minute before we celebrated Christmas with my extended family, and now my "well-designed" plan has been foiled. Of course, the Christmas cards are still untouched, the Christmas cookies I made to give our neighbors still lay wrapped on the counter...and I am totally embarrassed to admit this, but I have a few more gifts yet to buy. I am in no shape to do any of these things. I am in really no shape to be writing either...but it is 2am...and I am tired of the tv.

Speaking of the tv, have you noticed how much you pay attention to cold and cough commercials when you are sick?? Man, there are A LOT of options out there!! I lay in my bed, looking painfully at the television screen, wishing I could somehow "will" the medicine to me. I know I am too sick to move from my bed to go out and get some. Which lends these thoughts....Why don't they allow some sort of delivery service for OTC meds?? If I can call and have pizza delivered in as short as 45 minutes, why can't someone bring over some Sudafed???

Some people swear by Nyquil. I know my husband does. I am so jealous of him when it comes to that. I can't take it. It has just the opposite effect on me. Although he rarely needs help in the sleep department, I can't take Nyquil because it makes me have a night of very restless, in and out of consciousness, very strange sleep. I would be an absolute fool to take it. Same goes for Tylenol PM. Whatever common ingredient that is in these things, I cannot have. I can't have caffiene after 4 pm either. Oh why, oh why must I be me????

We are supposed to celebrate the Hesterfamily Christmas this morning. Oh, how I wish I was healthy!!! My girls deserve a healthy mom to share in the wonderment of Christ's birth. Instead, I will sit on the couch with a blanket around me, incredibly scary hair, red nose, sunken eyes, more pale than normal skin, and force a smile as they open their gifts. They will want to hug me afterwards, but they can't, because we are SO MORTIFIED that anyone else in the family will get this bug. I cannot tell you the amount of times I have attempted to squeak out "Wash your hands" from this bed. I know Gregg has been singing that song into the ground too since Friday morning.

As I write this, I have decided that I am going to make an appt to see the doctor today. How I wish they still made house calls!!!! Although, if they did, my sick mind would probably encourage Gregg to clean the house before the doctor got here. And that would take a lot of work, because I have noticed that the girls have used this "down time" to do everything but pick up after themselves, make their beds, etc. I think it has been a little vacation for them to have me sick. Now, don't get me wrong, they are incredibly sympathetic to my plight. But I wouldn't be surprised if they have enjoyed the break from "me" a little bit.

I realize I have been a little wordy in the wee small hours of the morning. Be thankful you are only having to read this, and not hear it yourself. My voice is not my own. Come to think of it, my head and my sinuses are not my own either. I would gladly trade back what I had. Spending this time in bed has only confirmed the obvious to me. I enjoy interaction with people, I miss hearing from my friends, I miss talking with my sister everyday, and I haven't been able to use my allotted 5,043,403 words a day like I normally do. Thus, this incredibly long post at a ridiculously early hour in the morning.

Random thoughts:

-My husband has been very patient with me since I have been sick...a lot more patient than I am to him when he is sick. Why is that??

-I am amazed at the about of "Gold" commercials on tv. You know, "Send your miscellaneous pieces of gold you have laying around, we will melt them down, and send you a check for them. We will even give you an envelope to send them in." First of all, who has that much gold laying around?? And would you really take a risk and send it off in a envelope that's contents will be obvious to any hand that touches it? Maybe it is just me and my sick mind, but this seems outrageous to me.

-My husband did go get me some medicine and it has been a huge help. I am grateful for that. But I still need to go to the doctor. This is lingering too long. And my energy level is near empty.

-And for those of you who care, this is my 200 post of 2008. Kind of a neat milestone. I enjoy this hobby of mine, and I hope at times, you do too. Merry Christmas, dear ones. Merry Christmas.

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