Friday, June 13, 2008

Tim Russert 1950-2008

I never "met the press" on Sunday mornings with Tim Russert, but I certainly paid attention to him during his "blow by blow" account of politics on the Today Show each morning. I really liked Tim and valued what he had to say. I found him to be simplistic, yet insightful in his civic analysis...someone I could easily understand and relate to somehow. He became a predictor of sorts in all the big elections of our country.("Florida, Florida, Florida"-2000, and "It all boils down to Ohio"- 2004) He covered our electoral process as if it were his two favorite football teams playing one another. He would even go so far as to use "John Madden-like" circles on the TV screen, with electronic pen in hand, just to emphasis his point, highlighting states that were pivotal to the outcome of an election. Before he donned the "pen," he used a tacky little wipe off board he probably picked up at the Dollar Store on the way to work. People appreciated the down to earth approach of his reporting. He was so refreshing, because he wasn't overtly slanted. If he was a democrat, you wouldn't know it, as he seemed so impartial. He wasn't a "looker" like most reporters are required to be. What he was missing in the superficial, he made up for in extreme likability. I never cared what Chris Matthews had to say or Andrea Mitchell. I certainly had no respect for Keith Obermann. Tim was trustworthy and his information was credible, all the while keeping his political agenda under wraps....if he had one.

I think Tim will be mourned more than most reporters because he wouldn't cave to the behaviors of his profession. He was indeed one of the rare ones of his generation for reporting. I will miss him....especially in this critical election season. His political "crystal ball" went forever dim today.

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