Friday, June 13, 2008

Anybody seen our "Cozy Coupe?"

Faith got invited to her first "Youth Event" at NewLife. I didn't have much time to think about all its implications (thank you,God!), as it was a "spur of the moment" invite--Not the typical event guidelines I go by like "two weeks notice with an RSVP tacked on the side." I watched her process the audible invite, mentally weighing the "pros and cons" of venturing into the world of the unknown. Before she made her final decision on whether to go, she made a phone call to see if anyone else she knew would be going. This was interesting to me. I had forgotten what imparitive information this is to a "teen."

Her daddy took her to the event. This was just as well. I might have sat in the van and cried my eyes out until it was over....that is, after I spied on her for a little bit. It was a harmless evening full of fun and water games. Perfect for the kind of weather we have been having lately.

She didn't get home until 9:30pm (early by ALL teens' standards), but of course, I was getting ready to dose off. She came in the bedroom, laid on the bed, and told me all about the evening. She said enthusiastically, "Momma, I had fun!" I traced my finger around her face as she spoke, not hearing much of what she said. My mind was in another place....a place where our house was littered with Little Tykes toys and the sound of nursery rhymes and bible verses set to music in the background. A place where pretending and play were the order of the day. A place of afternoon naps and coloring books. And then I was left with the thoughts of "How did we get here already" and "My, how beautiful she is becoming." OK....I must stop writing...tears are now streaming down the cheeks. Oh, this is soooo going to be a long journey for me.......

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