Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Who let the dogs out?

Sometimes the "big dogs" of discipline need to be let out at the Hesterhouse.....that is, when the level of correction must be increased due to the weight of the offense at hand. The "big dogs" are released because the minor "day to day" methods of discipline just aren't going to "cut it" in this particular case. I let out the "big dogs" when I don't have the brain capacity to come up with the "antidote" necessary for the offense. The alleged "wrong-doing" needs something extra powerful to pack a lasting punch so the "perp" knows loud and clear there is a problem...... and that problem, Houston, must be resolved with discipline.

There are two tactics I use when bringing out the "big dogs.":

1) I pray. The closer I get to parenting smack dab in the teen years, the more and more I realize how critical it is that I have God's wisdom, insight, patience, strength, endurance, etc. to make it through. I just don't have the natural ability to do this without Him. I have no choice but to rely solely on Him. It is the most strategic move I can make. Plus, it just has the added benefit of drawing me close to Him.

2) Because I don't have the innovation it takes to have the punishment effectively fit the crime, I depend on Lisa Whelchel's Creative Correction to get my discipline juices flowing. This book has been the most meaningful parenting book to me in addition to the Bible, and I honestly don't know what I would have done without it. I think God has used it greatly in my life.

Well, the "dogs" are yelping right now, and I must get back to parenting. Pray for me.....I'll pray for you. And with God holding our hearts, our hands, and our heads, we are certain to be victorious in this battle.

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