Thursday, April 17, 2008

Early signs of flying the coop

It doesn't seem that long ago when Gregg and I "ached" for time alone with each other. Having one date night together took months to plan, and having time to just talk with one another was near impossible. There were books to read, baths to give, diapers to change, toys to pick up, meals to prepare, laundry to fold. The season of the girls needed every moment of our time was just yesterday I think, and now things seem to be gradually changing. For instance, last night the girls were both gone with friends, which just left Gregg and I fending for ourselves for dinner. As we sat across the table from one another, we looked sadly at the two empty spaces usually filled by our babies fighting for the air space to tell us about their day. Common phrases like these normally fill our dinner time hour:

"Let me talk!!"

" have been talking too's my turn."

"Stop interrupting me! I want to talk."

Things were so silent at the table, it seemed strange. I could have tried arguing for a turn to talk with Gregg, but he wouldn't have put up too much of a fight, I'm afraid. So, we chatted back and forth as much as we could, but in the back of our minds, I think we both were wondering, "How are we going to do this? How is it going to be just us again?" He says that he is looking forward to it in some ways. This is nothing against him whatsoever, but I am not sure I feel the same. Our lives became so wonderfully colorful when they entered the world. How can we go from two to four, and then back to two again? Yet, they cannot and should not remain with us much as I think I want them to. This gradual plan of flight I am grateful for, because I could not take a sudden departure from the nest. God is good in His design of everything, but especially in knowing that our mother hearts couldn't withstand such a rapid fraying of the apron strings.

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