Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Last year in the 30's

Today, I begin my last year in my 30's. It doesn't seem possible to me. I have always joked about "women over 40" and how crabby and short-tempered they can be. You know....the ones you encounter in the checkout at Wal-Mart, hand on hip, huffing, puffing, and rolling their eyes about the long lines... the ones that stare you down when you are trying to pass them on the highway, the ones that haven't smiled since they turned 40. Well, either I need to really enjoy this last year in my 30's, or I need to change my stereo-type. I am going for the "changing my stereo-type" option and bump it up to "women over 50." There, that ought to buy me some time, at least for a little while.

As said before, I am a reflective person, by gift or by curse, however you want to look at it. So, today, in honor of my last year in my 30's, I will reflect upon and share some crazy "unknowns" about myself. These unknowns, of course, are in no order of importance.

1) I love the smell of fresh cut grass and the sound of lawn mowers in the distance. It is very comforting to me.

2) I love to see my husband's truck in the driveway when I get home.

3) My dad was the first man I wanted to marry......when I was four.

4) My sister and I can make each other laugh like no one else. We once laughed at the dinner table when we were growing up, and had milk literally shoot through our noses. It was painful like all get out (what does that exactly mean....."all get out"), but it was funny.

5) I used to love Breakstone's Cottage Cheese.....now I love Michigan brand. Strange that Michigan Brand Cottage Cheese is really made in Delphos, Ohio. I wonder why they just didn't call it Ohio Brand.

6) I absolutely adore old people. I love to see old men wearing hats when they are out and about. I think it is precious. I have to smile at them when they walk by me. I wonder what they are thinking. "Does she think I am cute? I bet she does. Whew-wee! I've still got it!"

7) Seeing moms at Wal-mart with their preschoolers in tow, just tugs at my heartstrings. I loved the days when Hopie and I would go to the grocery store together, when Faith had just started school. Don't get me wrong. I do treasure the opportunity to get the shopping done by myself, but there is just something sweet about those preschool years.

8) Along with my mom, I have a crush on Robert Redford......the early days, mind you. Of course, I feel like I am married to my own Robert Redford, blue eyes and blond hair to boot. :)

9) I love the Beatles and probably shouldn't.

10) I long to go to England with my husband some day.

11) I love the smell of black Sharpie's and gas...... fuel, that is.

12) My sister and I have our own language we speak with one another that few would understand. It consists of various movie quotes, toddler-speak from Faith's early years when my sister lived with us, and silly things from our childhood. It is such a part of our speech with one another, we have little idea how strange it would sound to the average human ear.

13) I have always had an affection for cats and I talk to them in a high pitched voice, certain that they understand everything I am saying. I've heard it's like "nails on a chalkboard" for those having to listen to it. Sorry about that.

14) I marvel at how clean my mom and my grandma have kept their houses all my life and wonder why I can't do it too. What's their secret?

15) I like to chew ice. It is a horrible habit, and probably has reaked havoc on my teeth.

16) I don't eat cereal with milk on it. I can't. I won't. I eat it dry with a glass of milk on the side. Seriously, what's the difference?

17) If I buy a book, I have issues with bending the cover back. I try to read the book and finish it without breaking the binding.....making it look like it has never been read. Thank goodness for the library. All their bindings are already broken anyway.

18) Mr. Mom is still my favorite movie. I know it came out in the early 80's....but I still love it. I laugh in the same spots every time. Ferris Bueller runs a close second. "Bueller....Bueller..."

19) Laura Bush is my favorite First Lady. I think I could easily go out to lunch with her and have a great time. Maybe after George W. is done with this "president gig," she might have some time for me.
20) The morning dove is my favorite bird. When I hear it, I know that summer is here.

21) I used to have a problem writing in my Bible. I thought it was "sacreligious." Now, the notes I have taken over the years in my Bible are very valuable to me....not as valuable as The Word itself.....but I think you know what I mean.

22) People have told me several times that I look like Katie Couric. In the early 90's, Gregg and I were eating in a small TX town and the waitress was all star-struck when she took our order. Frankly, I don't see it. And now that Katie isn't on the Today Show, frankly I don't see her.
23) I still love to watch "Schoolhouse Rock" with my girls. Thankfully, the good folks at ABC decided to put it on DVD. "I'm just a bill......"
24) I love cherry malts, cherry cokes, cherry cough drops, cherry lip balm, etc.....but I don't think I could stomach eating a real cherry. There is nothing like a true Cherry coke from Sonic. Thankfully, we just got a Sonic not too far from here. Already been, and it was fabulous.
Must stop here. I had hoped to come up with "39 strange things you thought you knew about Amy Hesterman"....one for every year, but I am tapped out. Thank you for choosing to read my blog today. At amyhesterman.blogspot.com, we know you have a choice when it comes to reading blogs and we thank you for choosing this one.

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